This package is not automatically updated, so as not to impact workflow dependencies. A paid license is required for continued use. VDMX5 installs in "demo" mode, and requires a paid license to enable saving files. Requires a paid account with Synergy Sports Technology. Requires a paid SportsCode account/license. Python 3 is available as an optional installation via Self Service. Requires a third-party account with Poll Everywhere, Inc., and may require a paid license. Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Requires a third-party account with Mendeley Ltd./Elsevier. Requires a paid Max7 license from Cycling '74. Requires a third-party account with MathWorks, Inc. Requires a third-party account with Wolfram Research to activate. Requires a third-party account with TechSmith Corporation.

May require a third-party account with Autodesk, Inc.

Requires a third-party account with Adobe System Incorporated. Requires a paid Adobe Acrobat license or subscription.